Category Archives: Stata

Display mean and median test results in Stata

Sometimes we may want to produce the following table to compare the mean and median of two groups: First of all, please refer to this post to see Stata commands to test equality of mean and median. However, it is … Continue reading

Posted in Stata | 22 Comments

Stata command to do Heckman two steps

We often see Heckman’s two steps in accounting literature. But how to do it in Stata? The two steps refer to the following two regressions: Outcome equation: y = X × b1 + u1 Selection equation: Dummy = Z × … Continue reading

Posted in Stata | 9 Comments

Stata command to test equality of mean and median

Please read this post for how to display the results in a ready-for-use format. UCLA IDRE has posted an article (link) that may provide a bit more explanation. UCLA IDRE is a great resource for learning statistical analysis. A big thank you … Continue reading

Posted in Stata | 3 Comments

Stata command to display combined Pearson and Spearman correlation matrix

Oftentimes we would like to display Pearson correlations below the diagonal and Spearman correlations above the diagonal. Two built-in commands, pwcorr and spearman, can do the job. However, we have to manually combine Stata output tables when producing the correlation table … Continue reading

Posted in Stata | 1 Comment

Stata command to convert string GVKEY to numerical GVKEY or vice versa

The default type of GVEKY in Compustat is string. Sometimes, we need it to be a numerical type in Stata (e.g., when we want to use the super handy command tsset). The command to convert string GVKEY to numerical GVEKY … Continue reading

Posted in Stata | 1 Comment

Stata command to calculate the area under ROC curve

If we want to evaluate the predictive ability of a logit or probit model, Kim and Skinner (2012, JAE, Measuring securities litigation risk) suggest that A better way of comparing the predictive ability of different models is to use the Receiver … Continue reading

Posted in Stata | 1 Comment

Stata commands to calculate skewness

Suppose we are going to calculate the skewness of 12 monthly returns. The 12 returns may be stored in a row (Figure 1) or in a column (Figure 2). This post discusses how to calculate the skewness in these two … Continue reading

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Commonly used Stata commands to deal with potential outliers

In accounting archival research, we often take it for granted that we must do something to deal with potential outliers before we run a regression. The commonly used methods are: truncate, winsorize, studentized residuals, and Cook’s distance. I discuss in … Continue reading

Posted in Stata | 5 Comments

Sample code for “outreg” command in Stata

outreg is a time-saving and must-have command in Stata. It will generate a ready-for-use results table like this. I’m sure you will see what a relief this can give us. outreg is not a built-in command and can be installed … Continue reading

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A loop of cross-sectional regressions for calculating abnormal accruals in Stata

I write a loop of cross-sectional regressions for calculating abnormal accruals. This program can be easily modified and replaced with Jones, modified Jones, or Dechow and Dichev model. I add detailed comments in the program to help you prepare the input … Continue reading

Posted in Stata | 7 Comments